Command | Description | Usage |
/avatar | Displays the avatar of a specified member or the command user if no member is specified. | /avatar [member] |
/serverinfo | Displays information about the server, including server ID, owner, locale, member count, and creation date. | /serverinfo |
/userinfo | Displays information about a specified member or the command user if no member is specified. | /userinfo [member] |
/choose | Randomly selects one of two or three given choices. | /choose |
/weather | Provides current weather information for a specified city using the OpenWeather API. | /weather |
/serverstats | Displays statistics about the server, such as online members, bot count, text and voice channels, roles, and boosts. | /serverstats |
/start_giveaway | Starts a giveaway with a specified prize, duration (in seconds), and number of winners. Participants enter by reacting with 🎉. | /start_giveaway |
/reroll_giveaway | Rerolls the winners of an ended giveaway. Requires the message ID of the giveaway. | /reroll_giveaway |
/ticket | Creates a ticket panel in the current channel where users can click a button to create a support ticket. | /ticket |
/close | Closes an open ticket for the command user. Deletes the ticket channel and logs the closure. | /close |
/setpanel | Sets the channel where the ticket panel will be sent. Only administrators can use this command. | /setpanel |
/setroles | Sets the roles that are allowed to access tickets. Only administrators can use this command. | /setroles |
/ticket-help | Displays a help message with all ticket-related commands. | /ticket-help |
/ls-tickets | Lists all open tickets in the server. | /ls-tickets |
/rm-ticket | Removes a specific ticket by name. | /rm-ticket |
Moderation Commands
Command | Description | Usage |
/ban | Bans a member from the server. | /ban |
/kick | Kicks a member from the server. | /kick |
/mute | Mutes a member in the server. | /mute |
/warn | Warns a member. | /warn |
/lock | Locks a channel to restrict access. | /lock |
/unlock | Unlocks a channel to allow access. | /unlock |
/createmute | Creates a mute role with specified permissions. | /createmute |
Linux-Themed Commands
Command | Description | Usage |
/neofetch | Displays system information in a Linux 'neofetch' style. | /neofetch |
/uptime | Displays the bot's uptime. | /uptime |
/fortune | Shows a random fortune. | /fortune |
/cowthink | Displays ASCII art of a cow with a thought bubble. | /cowthink |
/df | Displays disk space usage. | /df |
/top | Displays top processes. | /top |
/man | Displays manual pages for commands. | /man |
/linux | Displays general Linux information. | /linux |
/ls | Lists files and directories. | /ls |
/whoami | Displays current user information. | /whoami |
/chmod | Changes file permissions. | /chmod |
/grep | Searches for text in files. | /grep |
/ping | Checks the bot's latency. | /ping |
/ps | Displays current processes. | /ps |
/kill | Kills a process. | /kill |
/card | Displays a user card. | /card |
Additional Commands
Command | Description | Usage |
/profile | Shows the user's profile card. | /profile |
/invite | Provides an invite link for the bot. | /invite |
/sauce | Finds the source of an image. | /sauce |
/see_logo | Displays the bot's logo. | /see_logo |
/meme | Generates a random meme. | /meme |
/remind | Sets a reminder for a specified time. | /remind |
/afk | Sets the user as AFK. | /afk |
/user-profile | Displays a user's profile information. | /user-profile |
/cards | Shows the user's collected cards. | /cards |
/exchange | Exchanges cards with another user. | /exchange |
/gift | Gifts a card to another user. | /gift |
/steal | Attempts to steal a card from another user. | /steal |